Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shiny paint!

Normal poster paints are fine but shiny paint is even better!
This was super easy to make meaning the girls could get involved and practically make it themselves!

To make this paint you need only a few simple things.
A can of condensed milk (any supermarket cheapy brand will do). Food colourings and some pots or something to mix the paint in. I used a muffin tin as you can have multiple colours together and the holes are a good size.
Divide the condensed milk evenly into the tubs/holes then just add a few drops of food colouring. You may to add more drops for a deeper more vivid colour. Give it a good mix then your ready to paint.
Couldn't get much simpler than that :)

When the paint dries its all shiney. It can take a while, especially if your budding artist has covered the paper in big blobs of paint!

I will warn you though that the condensed milk is very sticky!! Make sure you have wipes/damp cloth on hand ready for when they have finished and ensure you cover your table/floor with something you don't mind getting sticky/messy!
Getting sticky was all part of the fun for the girls and it would make a great sensory activity for younger ones too.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Birthday cakes

When my eldest turned One I though id have a go at making her birthday cake. Having never really down much baking before this was quite a daunting task!
The girls are now 5 and 3 and I have made all their birthday cakes over the years. Most have been a reasonable success. The girls have loved them which is the main thing.
My only trouble now is that as they are getting older they are asking for more and more elaborate requests!

Abigail -





Ive now even been roped in to making cakes for friends children! 
This is one I made for my friends sons 2nd Birthday :)

Paper cup Jellyfish

This activity started off as a general art and craft session with a table filled with craft accessories and 4 girls dressed as princesses! Even princesses like craft you know! 

They made numerous things from bags to flags but we kind of stumble apon the idea of jelly fish whilst being creative with some paper cups.
Again its another simple craft... Most things we do are! 
Paper cups are another craft staple for us and we always have a stash to hand. Again this are super cheap and very versatile.
The girls started by decorating the cups. Someone found the googly eyes and added them to their cups which gave the idea of the jelly fish.
I cut long strips of coloured tissue paper for the tenticles and added a loop of string to the top for hanging. I made a hole in the top of the cup and threaded a knotted piece of sting through. The girls all loved these and they are now hanging in their rooms.

End of year teacher gifts.

I cant quite believe that A has just finished her first year at school! That year has just flown by! 
How did my little first born baby get to be so grown up! 

As term neared the end it was time to think of gifts to give to her teacher and teaching assistants.
For her teacher we gave a flower bulb to grow. She was leaving to retire to guessed she'd have more time to tend the garden. I came across the idea on Pinterest and used the free printout supplied by pluckymomo's blog. The labels says 'A teacher plants a seed that never stops growing'. I added the printable to a medium craft bag and A wrote her Thanks you's on the reverse.

I then took inspiration from another post from a friend and fellow blogger shazronniemakesstuff.  She had made a fantastic gift tag using cookies. The label saying "Thank you for making me One smart cookie!' I used her free printables here and A coloured them in. I then cut them out and added them to front of the small craft bags. Again A wrote her thank you's on the back of the bag. Into the bag we added a box of luxury cookies.
The cards were very simple to do but very effective. 
They are basically prints from half and apple. Then a green thumb print for the leaf.

Heart Crowns.

 I always have a stash of paper plates in the art and craft cupboard as its such a versatile item that can be used in some many different ways and in so many different crafts. They are super cheap too! You can easily find them in the local supermarket and cost pennies!
Today we decided to make heart crowns. These are super easy but great fun. The girls enjoyed wearing their crowns all afternoon. Simply fold a paper plate in half draw a heart shape inside. Remember to leave a bit at the bottom to keep the heart attached to the rim of the plate! Cut out the heart shape and unfold the paper plate.

Now its time to decorate your crown. You could decorate it in many different ways. You could paint it, stick tissue paper on it, draw on it,colour it in, cover it in glitter and sequins. The choice is yours! 
The girls choose to decorate theirs with sequins so the covered it in glue and got sticking.
Once they were finished and it was dry you simply need to bed the heart up and forwards to it sticks up. Pop it on your head and you now have a beautiful simple, easy crown.

 Im pretty sure this would be easy enough to do with a star shape too if a heart is too girly!


Being a keen gardener myself, its no surprise that the girls enjoy helping me in the garden.
Admittedly they flick mud, dig holes where they aren't meant to be and freak out if they see a worm but non the less its a good experience for them.

As the girls have grown they have become more and more interested in the plants names, and about how they grow. The love helping me water the plants and understand about them needing water to grow.
Since starting school A has now joined the school gardening club where they have been growing tomato's, sweet peas, sunflowers and a selection of flowers. She really enjoys taking care of them and the teacher has said she has been surprised by her garden knowledge.

Easter hats/bonnets

Every year at Nursery they have an Easter hat competition.  The girls enjoy this and together we come up with a creation.
Last year A was still small at 3 so I made the hat. It was simply a wide strip of card fixed to fit her head, then a flower shape cut out that was larger than the diameter of her head. I then cut small rectangles of card and used them to attach the the flower to the inside of the card band.
After that was done I left A to decorate it.  She used straw on the top and added small little fluffy chicks picked up from the local pound shop, then cut out ovals and decorated them to resemble easter eggs and flower shapes.

My proudness went she won and received a chocolate egg for her efforts!

This years she was adamant that she wanted to include her bunny teddy. It took abit of working out of how we could attach teddy to a hat so that we wouldn't fall off. In the end we came up with the idea of Bunny popping out of a flower pot.
I found a plastic flower pot that was about the same size of her head and cut off the bottom. My thought was to use this as the hat but it wouldnt stay on so I attached the flower pot to a straw hat we had. If you did use the pot as the hat then add some black duct tape round the cut edges to stop any sharp edges and give a more comfortable fit.
I attached the pot by making small holes round the edges and using thread sewed the hat to the pot. We covered this with 'grass' ie crunched up tissue paper. We used Sellotape to attach the bunny to the pot then again used more grass!  It was someone else's turn to win this year but everyone was very impressed.