Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hair raising!

With 2 girls with fast growing hair I thought it was time I learnt some new styles to try in the girls hairs. Ive got increasingly bore with just the basic ponytails and simple plaits so researched on the web and came across a fantastic site with lots of different styles with video tutorials which have been a great help. 

Ive experimented with a few styles with varying success. Theres only so long a 3 year old will sit still! 
The lace braid was popular and Abigail really loved the heart shaped hair I did for her for Valentines day. 
I will keep trying new styles so watch this space !

Valentines Day

Valentines day this year happened to land during Half term break so both girls and I had a day of Baking.
Firstly we made some homemade Chocolates for my hardworking Husband.  I found a chocolate mould including heart shapes in the poundshop a few weeks ago with this project in mind. We melted a slab of  Belgian chocolate and added some little bit to the bottom of the moulds. We used tiny pieces of homeycomb and some candy sprinkles etc. Then we poured the melted chocolate into the moulds before leaving it in the fridge for a few hours. Husband was very impressed and said they were top quality!
Husband and I were planning a nice Thai takeaway fro dinner that night so I though we could make something yummy for pudding too.
I had bought 2 silicon heart shaped cake tins for a few pounds so we used them to make some cakes. We made 2 sponge heart cakes and then made some cupcakes using the remaining mixture.  We topped them with pink vanilla frosting and added some pink hearts cut out of icing.
They tasted goooooood!

Coloured Shaving foam

A friend came for a playday so we got out the trusted favourite.. the shaving foam. We added a few drops of food colouring to the food colouring and encouraged the children to mix the colours together in a colour mixing lesson. Another hideously messy but great fun activity.

After the girls had finished playing I got a big bowl of warm water for the children to clean up the animals tat they had used in the foam. They love this bit of cleaning up which I actively encourage as it helps me with cleaning up the aftermath! Its like another activity straight after.  They love all types of water play and usually get rather wet! 

Snow play

Woohoo. We had some snow!
This as the first time Lucy had really experienced the snow as last year she was too little diddy to realise what the white stuff was.  Thankfully she loved it and they had great fun building snowmen and having sledge rides.

 Even the wild animals and Jurassic dinosaurs got to enjoy the snow when we bought some indoors to play with.

Floor/ Body painting!

This is one of the girls all time favourite activities. When their Cousin came to play we decided abit of large art was in order.  I purchased a roll of cheap lining paper from the hardware store and laid 2 long strips on floor. This is a great big canvas for the children to do large movements and use the paint rollers. Then the girls get creative and like to use most of their bodies to mark make. Handprints and foot prints are popular although they have been known to try bottom printing too!?
The girls also like to paint themselves. Very messy but great fun.
Their cousin wasn't so keen to join in to start with but soon realised what she was missing out on and was soon covered in paint too!
Inevitably all 3 of them ended up in the bath together afterwards. Which caused just as much mess with all the splashing! 


Self portrait funny faces

This activity was great fun and the girls keep going back to it.
I printed out some photos of the girls faces which I cut out and laminated. We then used white board marker pens to decorate ourselves!  Using these pens means we could just wipe them off with a cloth and start over again. We had great fun adding funny bits to our faces. We had moustaches, super long eyelashes, flowers in our hairs and even (by their request!) big green bogeys!   As they were both still spotty from the chicken pox, drawing spots on each other was also very popular. :)
Our printer ink was running out so the colours in the photos are rather washed out but the girls didn't mind and I plan redo them once the new ink order is delivered.

Circle shape printing.

Well things have been abit slow here since xmas as both girls caught Chicken pox.. one after the other!
It meant we were housebound for about 3 weeks!  I had plans of lots of craft activities but neither of them were feeling up to much so just spent our time playing and watching cartoons.

They did however become very interested in circles. No idea why?  Maybe it was because their spots were circle shaped.
We did some printing using various circle shaped objects I could find from tiny drinking straw circles to large cup sized circles. This also let to discussions on sizes, Largest, smallest etc.

Check out Abigail's chicken pox face!

Button Letter Canvas

I needed a picture of some kind to hang over an air vent in Lucy's new decorated room.  After months of searching I still could find anything suitable so decided to have a go myself.
I picked up a canvas from Hobbycraft and bought a large bag of pastel coloured buttons from an Ebay seller. The room is done in mostly pastel shades so picked them but added a few brighter colours in incorporate the bright shades of pink things she has.. ie her enormous bright pink beanbag.

I painted the canvas she same lemon colour as 2 of her walls then did a trial of where the buttons would go to make the letter.  L for Lucy in this case.
When I was happy with it I carefully sewed the buttons onto the canvas. Was abit tricky at points as the canvas was pretty thick.
It looks pretty good on the wall and was reasonably easy and cheap to make too.