Friday, July 20, 2012

Puppet Theatre

Abigail loves puppets and has started to enjoy making up her up puppet shows. She has a great imagination so i though id harness this by making her her own puppet theatre.
I looked at buying one but found most were large wooden ones. As beautiful as they are, they were very large and bulky to store.
With this in mind I came across someone who made doorway theatres to sell. These wer stunning but well above my price range. I thought I would try to have a bash at making one myself.
Its not as elaborate but does the job and im sure Abigail will love it.
It has a tension rod across the top to secure it to any doorway without the need of any permanent fixings.
Making my own also meant I was able to adapt it to add some little pockets at the back to hold puppets between shows.

I also made a few extra puppets to add to her ever growing collection of both finger and hand puppets.

Update -

Abigail received her Puppet theatre for her birthday and im pleased to say its been a huge hit!  She loves it and we have all watched many of her puppet shows. Its been popular with lots of our visiting friends and even Daddy has been spotted having a play too!

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