Monday, May 28, 2012

Hair Habit!

Well since my last post (which was quite a while ago!) ive been working on some new hair do's for the girls.
Im very pleased to say that after much practice ive finally conquered french plaits! I followed some videos on you tube which explained it much better than trying to read written instructions.
I love the girls hair in french plaits and its another one to add to my list to learn how to do on myself. 

A waterfall braid.                                                                         A twisted plait

A french plait! - Finally!

On the note of hair, A friend commented on wanting something to display her hair clips/ bands etc on but hadn't found anything suitable that she liked. I had just the image in my mind so donned my creative hat  and produced something for her. She loved it so much she asked for another one for her other daughter.

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